
Preparing for COVID 19

Mar 23, 2023

On 12 March 2020

We are actively managing this health crisis with the safety of our children and staffs as highest priority.  Also, we are continuously monitoring the health status of our children and also creating awareness of precautions to this crisis. So I would like to ensure that our children are well monitored in this evolving health crisis. We have been taking precaution method since a month back, such as the following:

  1. Distribution of mask
  2. Providing hand sanitizer
  3. Monitoring body temperature
  4. Providing herbal tea & Dabur Chyawanprash

We have been giving instruction to all the children to wash their hands regularly. Our staffs were instructed and following precaution method on daily basis. We organized a presentation with staff team in front of all the children. The presentation was on awareness and precaution of coronavirus referred from World Health Organization (WHO) and Nepal Government. We have distributed cold and flu relief herbal drink which is prescribe by Mentse-Khang (Tibetan medicine). This herbal drink is very effective and easily get rid of cold and flu. Even Rilbu (solid inhaler medicine herb wrapped in small piece of cloth.) which is good for our lungs. This Rilbu, we have to tie around our neck and every day we have to inhale as much as we can. We are monitoring our children temperature on daily basis. We started providing one spoon of Dabur Chyawanprash with breakfast. Dabur Chyawanprash is an immunity boosting Ayurvedic. We will make sure all the children are safe. Thank you!!

Please take care and stay safe.


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